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  • Briefs: A CO2 secondary refrigerant system to test icebreakers

    Travelling through the North Pole's ice-capped seas could reduce sea transport distances between Hamburg and Osaka, Japan, or Shanghai, China, for instance, by more than 4000 nautical miles, thus allowing for great time and financial savings. The...

    • Publication date : 2009/02/25
  • Coal mine ice-cooling

    IDE Technologie’s vacuum ice maker (VIM) technology produces portable ice slurry, which is easily transferrable and pumpable. Using ice instead of water cuts water consumption by 75% and reduces the environmental impact of the mine.

    • Publication date : 2012/10/17
  • Briefs: Sustainable fishery in Namibia

    Since November 2009, Hangana Seafood has a new pre-sorting facility in Walvis Bay harbour, Namibia, which uses ammonia as a refrigerant. The 2800 m² sorting facility has a 0°C chill room for holding unsorted fish, two 16°C temperature-controlled...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/04
  • The life cycle of fluorocarbons: case studies

    The Climate and Clean Air Coalition has published a guide for policymakers in which  good practices regarding the life cycle of fluorocarbons are discussed. Concrete examples of refrigerant recycling in...

    • Publication date : 2022/07/08
    • Subjects: HFCs alternatives
  • Actions at European level to combat the illegal trade of HFCs

    Various actions to tackle illegal imports of HFCs in the European Union are progressively being implemented: raising awareness of policy makers, good practice guidelines and a “single window” at the disposal of customs in particular.

    • Publication date : 2019/10/30
    • Subjects: HFCs alternatives
  • HFO-1234yf news

    HFO-1234yf, developed by DuPont and Honeywell as a substitute for HFC-134a in mobile air-conditioning applications in response to EU 2006/40 Directive which bans the use of refrigerants with a GWP higher than 150 in new types of vehicles by...

    • Publication date : 2011/02/04
  • MAC: CO2 or HFO-1234yf?

    The SAE Alternate Refrigerant Symposium held in Phoenix, USA, on June 10-12, 2008, provided an opportunity for the various stakeholders of the global automotive industry to present their views regarding the next-generation refrigerant in mobile...

    • Publication date : 2008/08/12
  • IPCC/TEAP Special Report

    The Summary for Policy Makers of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)/ Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) Special Report "Safeguarding the ozone layer and the global climate system: issues related to hydrofluorocarbons...

    • Publication date : 2005/06/14
  • California approves new energy efficiency rules for appliances

    The California Energy Commission has approved new energy efficiency regulations for selected appliances sold in the State. They regulate appliances including: evaporative coolers, refrigerators, freezers and commercial icemakers, ceiling fans,...

    • Publication date : 2005/02/10
  • Vegetable ice cream flavors to debut in Japan

    Häagen-Dazs has announced the release of two vegetable-flavored ice creams in Japan.

    • Publication date : 2014/05/14
  • China

    The Chinese State Environmental Protection Administration's Foreign Economic Co-operation Office said China will stop production of CFCs by the end of 2010 - as specified by the Montreal Protocol - by dismantling production in 37 CFC-producing...

    • Publication date : 2004/04/28
  • The 15th annual Earth Technologies Forum and Mobile Air Conditioning Summit took place on April 13-15, 2004 in Washington DC.

    The annual Earth Technologies Forum conference evolved from the International Conference on Ozone Protection Technologies and the International Climate Change Conference & Technologies Exhibition. It provides a comprehensive programme and...

    • Publication date : 2004/05/18
  • Trends and Figures: World AC heat pump market

    The use of heat pumps (HPs) is increasing in the European Union (EU), Japan, and China. According to JARN's figures, the global market for room air conditioners (RACs) and packaged air conditioners (PACs) was about 78.7 million units in 2007, 72%...

    • Publication date : 2008/10/25
  • American love for ice cream

    A recent Yahoo Food survey found that ice cream is 41% of American’s favorite dessert.

    • Publication date : 2015/09/21
  • Initiatives to promote refrigeration technologies in the developing world

    Focus on some initiatives to facilitate access to eco-friendly refrigeration technologies in hot countries.

    • Publication date : 2020/06/26
    • Subjects: Developing country